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Limitation in consumer protection cases should be interpreted holistically, considering the continuing cause of action and prioritizing substantive rights over strict procedural time bars. A suit in representative capacity (Order 1, Rule 8 CPC) is not maintainable if lacking locus standi, and a prior decree (res judicata) bars subsequent suits on the same subject matter, notwithstanding varying reliefs. Agreement to sell immovable property incurs stamp duty as deemed conveyance via implied/symbolic possession transfer, with duty applying to the agreement (instrument), not the sale (transaction). The Supreme Court emphasized that the goal is to ensure just and fair compensation, even if it exceeds the claimed amount. It recalculated the compensation, considering the claimant’s monthly income, future prospects, 40% permanent disability, medical expenses, attendant charges, special diet and transportation, pain and suffering, and loss of income during treatment. The final compensation was determined to be Rs. 17,82,825, modifying the awards of the MACT and High Court. The Civil Appeal was allowed, with interest as awarded by the Tribunal. This decision underscores the principle of providing fair compensation to accident victims based on comprehensive assessment of their losses and suffering. In child custody cases, the lawpoint is that the welfare of the minor child is the paramount consideration, and a Habeas Corpus writ petition is maintainable only when the child’s detention is proven illegal or without legal authority

Cruelty–Inference–Where there is a proof of a deliberate course of conduct on the part of one, intended to hurt and humiliate the other spouse, and such a conduct is persisted, cruelty can easily be inferred–Neither actual nor presumed intention to hurt the other spouse is a necessary element in cruelty.

2007(1) LAW HERALD (SC) 456 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA  Before The Hon’ble Mr. Justice G.P. Mathur The Hon’ble Mr. Justice A.K. Mathur Civil Appeal No. 5779 of 2006…

Service Matters

Service Law–Parallel proceedings–Departmental Enquiry and Criminal Proceedings–There would be no bar to proceed simultaneously with departmental enquiry and trial of a criminal case unless the charge in the criminal trial is of grave nature involving complicated question of fact and law.

2007(1) LAW HERALD (SC) 433 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA Before The Hon’ble Mr. Justice Dr. Arijit Pasayat The Hon’ble Mr. Justice C.K. Thakker The Hon’ble Mr. Justice Lokeshwar…

Service Matters

Service Law —‘Scaling system’ for recruitment of Civil Judge (Junior Division)—Clearly demonstrate the arbitrariness and irrationality of scaling—Scaling system is unsuited for the Civil Judge (Junior Division) Examination—Position summarized. Contention that a writ petition under Article 32 is barred or not maintainable with reference to an issue which is the subject-matter of an earlier decision, is rejected.

2007(1) LAW HERALD (SC) 405 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA Before The Hon’ble Mr. Chief Justice Y.K. Sabharwal The Hon’ble Mr. Justice C.K. Thakker The Hon’ble Mr. Justice R.V.…

Service Matters

Service Law—All High Court employees without exception, should receive a higher pay than their counter-parts in the State, in the absence of any general or special reasons Service Law— Pay and allowances of High Court employees; power to make rules in that regard is vested with the Chief Justice, subject to any law made by the Parliament—Requirement of approval from State is not a mere formality

  2007(1) LAW HERALD (SC) 385 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA Before The Hon’ble Mr. Justice K. G. Balakrishnan The Hon’ble Mr. Justice G. P. Mathur The Hon’ble Mr.…