Death Penalty–When to be awarded–In rarest of rare cases, when collective conscience of the community is so shocked that it will expect the holders of the judicial power centre to inflict death penalty, irrespective of their personal opinion as regards desirability or otherwise of retaining death penalty, death sentence can be awarded.

2007(1) LAW HERALD (SC) 530 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA Before The Hon’ble Mr. Justice S.B. Sinha The Hon’ble Mr. Justice Markandey Katju Criminal Appeal No. 453 of 2006…

Leave to defend–Refusal of–Where leave to defend the leave refused in a summary suit, the consequences of passing a decree cannot be avoided. Leave to defend–Refusal of–Where an appeal lies under Section 96 of the Code, ordinarily an application under Article 227 of the Constitution would not be maintainable.

2007(1) LAW HERALD (SC) 476 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA Before The Hon’ble Mr. Justice S.B. Sinha The Hon’ble Mr. Justice Markandey Katju  Civil Appeal No. 230 of 2007…

Cruelty–Inference–Where there is a proof of a deliberate course of conduct on the part of one, intended to hurt and humiliate the other spouse, and such a conduct is persisted, cruelty can easily be inferred–Neither actual nor presumed intention to hurt the other spouse is a necessary element in cruelty.

2007(1) LAW HERALD (SC) 456 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA  Before The Hon’ble Mr. Justice G.P. Mathur The Hon’ble Mr. Justice A.K. Mathur Civil Appeal No. 5779 of 2006…