Complaint should contain averment that accused were incharge of the business of the company – Complainant bound to make statement on oath as to how offence was committed and accused persons were responsible therefor – Appellants were not Directors of the Company at the relevant time – Impugned order directing issue of process cannot be sustained and set aside.
AIR 2006 SC 3086 : (2007) 2 BC 210 : (2006) 6 CompLJ 290 : (2006) CriLJ 4602 : (2006) 12 JT 20 : (2006) 9 SCALE 212 :…
Civil Procedure Code, 1908 (CPC) – Order 23, Rule 3A – Bar to suit – Suit for Declaration and injunction – Agreement to develop plot of trust and construction of community hall – A sum of Rs. 10,000/- was paid out of a sum of Rs. 3,00,000/- payable as consideration – Categorical finding of fact that earlier suit was filed with the knowledge and consent of all the trustees not disturbed
(2006) 5 CTC 93 : (2006) 12 JT 69 : (2006) 9 SCALE 174 : (2006) 10 SCC 669 : (2006) 6 SCR 48 Supp SUPREME COURT OF INDIA…
Civil Procedure Code, 1908 (CPC) – Order 3, Rule 1 – Appointment of pleader – Consent by Advocate for appointment of arbitrator despite stand taken by appellants in their written statement – Concession made by Advocate binding on party whom he represents.
AIR 2006 SC 3335 : (2006) 3 ARBLR 603 : (2006) 12 JT 25 : (2006) 9 SCALE 217 : (2006) 8 SCC 279 : (2006) 6 SCR 93…
Civil Procedure Code, 1908 (CPC) – Order 39, Rules 1 and 2 – Temporary injunction – Court apart from finding out prima facie case would consider balance of convenience, irreparable injury and a triable issue
AIR 2006 SC 3275 : (2006) 12 JT 447 : (2006) 9 SCALE 275 : (2006) 8 SCC 367 : (2006) 6 SCR 103 Supp : (2006) AIRSCW 4773…
Despite service of notice by registered post, defendant did not appear – Court competent to ask defendant to pay portion of decretal amount while setting aside ex parte decree, but condition imposed should not be unreasonable or harshly excessive
AIR 2007 SC 67 : (2007) 1 CTC 81 : (2006) 12 JT 9 : (2006) 9 SCALE 223 : (2006) 12 SCC 104 : (2006) 7 SCR 163…
Insurance company, despite report of investigator, failed to establish that the case of appellants was not justified and not covered by insurance policy – Insurance company had approved appellant’s claim for Rs. 20,43,605/- – Insurance company directed to pay to appellants balance amount of Rs. 97,83,827/- together with interest at the rate of 9 per cent per annum from the date of claim till payment.
(2006) ACJ 2547 : AIR 2006 SC 3261 : (2006) 6 CompLJ 281 : (2006) 4 CPJ 3 : (2006) 12 JT 98 : (2006) 9 SCALE 293 :…
Division Bench of High Court held that in absence of evidence doctrine of res ipsa loquitur was not applicable – Question whether Labour Court erred in not invoking doctrine of res ipsa loquitur – Matter remitted back to Labour Court to decide applicability of res ipsa loquitur.
AIR 2006 SC 3273 : (2006) 111 FLR 364 : (2006) 3 LLJ 788 : (2006) 9 SCALE 352 : (2006) 8 SCC 52 : (2006) SCC(L&S) 1788 :…
Interpretation of Statutes—Mere use of word may or shall is not conclusive. The question whether a particular provision of a statute is directory or mandatory cannot be resolved by laying down any general rule of universal application.
2007(4) LAW HERALD (SC) 3048 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA Before The Hon’ble Mr. Justice C.K. Thakker The Hon’ble Mr. Justice Altamas Kabir Civil Appeal No. 4466 of…
Electricity Law–One Meter Reading Inspection Report should not be construed as single violation of the commercial restrictions irrespective of the fact that a number of contraventions might have been made by consumers during the period covered by the said report.
2007(4) LAW HERALD (SC) 3044 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA Before The Hon’ble Mr. Justice Arijit Pasayat The Hon’ble Mr. Justice P. Sathasivam Civil Appeal No. 4465 of…
Sanction of Building–Before making the Zonal Plan and the Master Plan, the Authority was required to give an opportunity of hearing to the persons who may be affected thereby.
2007(4) LAW HERALD (SC) 3042 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA Before The Hon’ble Mr. Justice S.B. Sinha The Hon’ble Mr. Justice Harjit Singh Bedi Civil Appeal No. 4344…