Indian Penal Code, 1860, S.304 Part 2–Culpable Homicide—Sudden Fight-Reduction in Sentence—There was a pre-existing property dispute between the two families
(2017) 100 ACrC 996 : (2017) 177 AIC 31 : (2017) 4 AICLR 546 : (2017) AIR(SCW) 3847 : (2017) AIR(SC) 3847 : (2017) AllSCR(Crl) 1361 : (2017) 3 ALT(Crl)…
Land Acquisition—Enhancement of Compensation—Merely on the ground of delay such benefit cannot be denied to the appellants when similar situated agriculturists were given a higher rate of compensation—Delay of 3671 days in filing appeal condoned.
(2017) DNJ 928 : (2017) 3 LawHerald(SC) 2341 : (2017) 4 RCR(Civil) 428 : (2017) 5 RecentApexJudgments(RAJ) 310 : (2017) 8 SCALE 61 SUPREME COURT OF INDIA DIVISION BENCH SUBBARAYUDU — Appellant…
Corruption—Disproportionate Assets—A public servant facing such charge, cannot be comprehended to furnish any explanation in absence of the proof of the allegation of being in possession by himself or through someone else, pecuniary resources or property disproportionate to his known sources of income.
(2017) 100 ACrC 985 : (2017) 177 AIC 42 : (2017) 4 AICLR 509 : (2017) AIR(SCW) 3713 : (2017) 3 AIRJharR 825 : (2017) AIR(SC) 3713 : (2017)…
Civil Procedure Code, 1908, O.41 R.31— Appeal from original decree-Speaking Order—Held; Judgment of the appellate court has to state the reasons for the decision—It is necessary to make it clear that the approach of the first appellate court while affirming the judgment of the trial Court and reversing the same is founded on different parameters
(2017) 177 AIC 26 : (2017) AIR(SCW) 3591 : (2017) AIR(SC) 3591 : (2017) AllSCR 1828 : (2017) 124 ALR 585 : (2017) 3 ARC 8 : (2017) 3 CGLJ…
CHEQUE DISHONOUR — PERSONAL APPEARANCE OF ACCUSED “………..issue of hardship caused in personal attendance by an accused particularly where accused is located far away from the jurisdiction of the Court where the complaint is filed. HELD that even in absence of accused, evidence can be recorded in presence of counsel under Section 273 Cr.P.C. and Section 317 Cr.P.C. permitted trial to be held in absence of accused. Section 205 Cr.P.C. specifically enabled the Magistrate to dispense with the personal appearance. Having regard to the nature of offence under Section 138, this Court held that the Magistrates ought to consider exercise of the jurisdiction under Section 205 Cr.P.C. to relieve accused of the hardship without prejudice to the prosecution proceedings. “
CHEQUE DISHONOUR — PERSONAL APPEARANCE OF ACCUSED “………..issue of hardship caused in personal attendance by an accused particularly where accused is located far away from the jurisdiction of…
Land Acquisition–Just Compensation—Once a particular rate of compensation is judicially determined, benefit thereof is to be given even to those who could not approach the court.
(2017) DNJ 778 : (2017) 3 GujLH 311 : (2017) 9 JT 98 : (2017) 3 LawHerald(SC) 2299 : (2017) 4 RCR(Civil) 828 : (2017) 5 RecentApexJudgments(RAJ) 710 : (2017) 11 SCALE 337 :…
ORDER OF THE COURT In view of the different opinions recorded, by a majority of 3:2 the practice of `talaq-e-biddat’ – triple talaq is set aside. Muslim Law—Triple Talak—Such practice is unconstitutional and is set aside.
(2017) 179 AIC 104 : (2017) AIR(SCW) 4609 : (2017) AIR(SC) 4609 : (2017) AllSCR 1892 : (2017) 5 AllWC 4353 : (2017) 5 BCR 481 : (2017) 3…
Land Acquisition—Urgency clause—Tender of 80% of the estimated compensations amount is the pre-condition, the sine qua non enabling the Government to take possession of land.
(2015) 7 AD(SC) 657 : (2015) 153 AIC 40 : (2015) AIR(SCW) 4182 : (2015) 3 AIRJharR 790 : (2015) AIR(SC) 2710 : (2015) AllSCR 2367 : (2015) 4 AllWC…
Succession—Once ancestral property is devolved by succession, the property thereafter ceases to be joint family property, and no right to partition a property which is no longer joint family property continues to subsist in any member of the coparcenary. Law as it applies to joint family property governed by the Mitakshara School prior to the amendment of 2005, summarized
(2016) 160 AIC 1 : (2016) AIR(SCW) 1169 : (2016) 2 AIRJharR 118 : (2016) AIR(SC) 1169 : (2016) 3 ALLMR 451 : (2016) 2 AllWC 1474 : (2016) 115…
Limitation—Challenge to sale of property of minor after attaining age of majority can be made within limitation period of 3 years.
2016) 161 AIC 59 : (2016) AIR(SCW) 1666 : (2016) 3 AIRBomR 496 : (2016) 2 AIRJharR 601 : (2016) AIR(SC) 1666 : (2016) 4 ALLMR 481 : (2016) 3…