Since the Ordinance in question was not got converted into an Act of the legislature, it lapsed and, therefore, the consequential action taken thereunder must also fall. The notices issued to the appellants under the said Ordinance can, therefore, have no efficacy in law and must be held to have become ineffective – Appeal disposed of.

  (1998) 8 SCC 725 SUPREME COURT OF INDIA SRI CHAND KASERA AND OTHERS — Appellant Vs. STATE OF BIHAR AND ANOTHER — Respondent ( Before : A. M. Ahmadii,…

Rape—Intercourse—Penetration is sufficient to constitute the sexual inter course necessary to the offence rape. Modesty—Test—Action which is capable of shocking the sense of decency of a woman. Rape—Ejaculation without penetration constitutes an attempt to commit rape and not actual rape.

    2007(3) LAW HERALD (SC) 1995 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA Before The Hon’ble Mr. Justice Dr. Arijit Pasayat The Hon’ble Mr. Justice S.H. Kapadia Criminal Appeal No.…