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Limitation in consumer protection cases should be interpreted holistically, considering the continuing cause of action and prioritizing substantive rights over strict procedural time bars. A suit in representative capacity (Order 1, Rule 8 CPC) is not maintainable if lacking locus standi, and a prior decree (res judicata) bars subsequent suits on the same subject matter, notwithstanding varying reliefs. Agreement to sell immovable property incurs stamp duty as deemed conveyance via implied/symbolic possession transfer, with duty applying to the agreement (instrument), not the sale (transaction). The Supreme Court emphasized that the goal is to ensure just and fair compensation, even if it exceeds the claimed amount. It recalculated the compensation, considering the claimant’s monthly income, future prospects, 40% permanent disability, medical expenses, attendant charges, special diet and transportation, pain and suffering, and loss of income during treatment. The final compensation was determined to be Rs. 17,82,825, modifying the awards of the MACT and High Court. The Civil Appeal was allowed, with interest as awarded by the Tribunal. This decision underscores the principle of providing fair compensation to accident victims based on comprehensive assessment of their losses and suffering. In child custody cases, the lawpoint is that the welfare of the minor child is the paramount consideration, and a Habeas Corpus writ petition is maintainable only when the child’s detention is proven illegal or without legal authority

Uttar Pradesh Urban Buildings (Regulation of Letting, Rent and Eviction) Act, 1972 – Section – 2A, 16 – Creation of short-term licences – There is, a rider to it that intimation of the grant of such licence shall be given to the District Magistrate jointly by the licensor and the licensee within one month from the date of occupation of the building or a part thereof –

  (1998) 9 JT 124 : (1998) 9 SCC 208 SUPREME COURT OF INDIA KAMLA DEVI — Appellant Vs. USHA SINGH AND ANOTHER — Respondent ( Before : S. P.…

The order of acquittal recorded by the High Court is wholly unwarranted and unjustified. The prosecution has proved the case against the accused-Respondents beyond reasonable doubt – Court set aside the judgment passed by the High Court and confirm the conviction and sentences recorded by the Learned Additional Sessions Judge.

  (1996) 4 SCALE 385 : (1996) 9 SCC 18 SUPREME COURT OF INDIA STATE OF M.P. — Appellant Vs. MOHANLAL AND OTHERS — Respondent ( Before : G. N.…

Evidence Act, 1872 — Section 45 — Examination of expert of typewriting and identification of the typewriter — Scientific study of certain significant features of the typewriter peculiar to a particular typewriter and its individuality can be studied by an expert having professional skill in the subject and, therefore, the opinion of the typewriter expert is admissible under Section 45 of the Act.

  AIR 1996 SC 1491 : (1996) 2 JT 186 : (1996) 2 SCALE 37 : (1996) 2 SCC 428 SUPREME COURT OF INDIA STATE THROUGH CBI — Appellant Vs.…

There is no element of compensation involved and, therefore, the High Court was right in the view that it took, namely, that the assessee was not entitled to a deduction under Section 37(1) of the Income-tax Act in respect of the amounts that it had been required to pay under the provisions of Section 17(3) – Appeals allowed.

  (1997) 142 CTR 137 : (1997) 225 ITR 383 : (1997) 10 SCC 659 : (1997) 105 STC 188 SUPREME COURT OF INDIA MALWA VANASPATI AND CHEMICAL CO. —…