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Limitation in consumer protection cases should be interpreted holistically, considering the continuing cause of action and prioritizing substantive rights over strict procedural time bars. A suit in representative capacity (Order 1, Rule 8 CPC) is not maintainable if lacking locus standi, and a prior decree (res judicata) bars subsequent suits on the same subject matter, notwithstanding varying reliefs. Agreement to sell immovable property incurs stamp duty as deemed conveyance via implied/symbolic possession transfer, with duty applying to the agreement (instrument), not the sale (transaction). The Supreme Court emphasized that the goal is to ensure just and fair compensation, even if it exceeds the claimed amount. It recalculated the compensation, considering the claimant’s monthly income, future prospects, 40% permanent disability, medical expenses, attendant charges, special diet and transportation, pain and suffering, and loss of income during treatment. The final compensation was determined to be Rs. 17,82,825, modifying the awards of the MACT and High Court. The Civil Appeal was allowed, with interest as awarded by the Tribunal. This decision underscores the principle of providing fair compensation to accident victims based on comprehensive assessment of their losses and suffering. In child custody cases, the lawpoint is that the welfare of the minor child is the paramount consideration, and a Habeas Corpus writ petition is maintainable only when the child’s detention is proven illegal or without legal authority

Income Tax Act, 1961 – Section 275(1), 275(1)(a) -Period of limitation – Whether on the facts and in the circumstances of the case the Income- Tax Appellate Tribunal failed to appreciate that the period of limitation in the instant case is governed by the provisions of Section 275(1) as the penalty was initiated in the assessment order itself and the penalty order was issued within time in accordance with the provisions of Section 275(1)(a) of the Income- Tax Act, 1961

  (2013) 217 TAXMAN 400 SUPREME COURT OF INDIA COMMISSIONER OF INCOME TAX — Appellant Vs. KEDIA POWER LTD. — Respondent ( Before : H.L. Dattu, J; Dipak Misra, J…

Examination of reports – The case arises of alleged ill-treatment of appellant by her husband and her father. The case is going on since 29th July, 1995. Appellant came up against the order passed by the Metropolitan Magistrate on 29th July, 1995 ordering to be admitted to Delhi Psychiatry center, 35, Defence Enclave, Vikas Marg, New Delhi, for observation and treatment

  (1997) 2 Crimes 62 : (1997) 5 JT 120 : (1997) 3 SCALE 761 : (1997) 5 SCC 346 : (1997) 1 UJ 736 SUPREME COURT OF INDIA ANAMIKA…

Service Matters

A junior officer belonging to Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes, by operation of Article 16(1) read with Atricle 16(4) and 16(4A) would steal a march over his erstwhile seniors in the lower cadre and get promotion – The principle of reservation in promotions would be applicable where the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes are not adequately represented in promotional posts

  (1996) 3 AD 313 : (1996) 73 FLR 986 : (1996) 3 JT 439 : (1996) 3 SCALE 44 : (1996) 5 SCC 167 : (1996) 3 SCR 266…

Service Matters

Vacancies of drivers – The respondent was initially appointed as a daily-wager in Guntur Municipality. After completion of 5 years of service as NMR he was regularized. It is the claim of the respondent that during this period he was working as a driver and, therefore, after regularisation as a Class IV employee he should be assigned the duties and the pay scale of driver

  (1998) 8 SCC 380 : (1998) SCC(L&S) 1591 SUPREME COURT OF INDIA COMMISSIONER, GUNTUR MUNICIPALITY — Appellant Vs. B. CHRISTUDASU — Respondent ( Before : S. P. Kurdukar, J;…

Penal Code, 1860 – Section 376 read with Section 90 – Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 – Section 378 – Rape – Acquittal by High Court – Misconception of fact – If consent is given by prosecutrix under misconception of fact, it is vitiated – Accused had sexual intercourse with prosecutrix by giving false assurance to prosecutrix that he would marry her –

  AIR 2014 SC 384 : (2014) 1 CCR 28 : (2014) CriLJ 540 : (2014) 1 JCC 398 : (2014) 1 JT 315 : (2014) 1 RCR(Criminal) 173 :…

Accident—Proof of rashness and negligence on the part of the driver of the vehicle, is sine qua non for maintaining an application under Section 166 of the M.V. Act. Document—Admissibly of—Once a part of the contents of the document is admitted in evidence, the party bringing the same on record cannot be permitted to turn round and contend that the other contents contained in the rest part thereof had not been proved.

  2007(3) LAW HERALD (SC) 2513  IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA Before The Hon’ble Mr. Justice S.B. Sinha The Hon’ble Mr. Justice Markandey Katju Civil Appeal No. 2526 of…