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Limitation in consumer protection cases should be interpreted holistically, considering the continuing cause of action and prioritizing substantive rights over strict procedural time bars. A suit in representative capacity (Order 1, Rule 8 CPC) is not maintainable if lacking locus standi, and a prior decree (res judicata) bars subsequent suits on the same subject matter, notwithstanding varying reliefs. Agreement to sell immovable property incurs stamp duty as deemed conveyance via implied/symbolic possession transfer, with duty applying to the agreement (instrument), not the sale (transaction). The Supreme Court emphasized that the goal is to ensure just and fair compensation, even if it exceeds the claimed amount. It recalculated the compensation, considering the claimant’s monthly income, future prospects, 40% permanent disability, medical expenses, attendant charges, special diet and transportation, pain and suffering, and loss of income during treatment. The final compensation was determined to be Rs. 17,82,825, modifying the awards of the MACT and High Court. The Civil Appeal was allowed, with interest as awarded by the Tribunal. This decision underscores the principle of providing fair compensation to accident victims based on comprehensive assessment of their losses and suffering. In child custody cases, the lawpoint is that the welfare of the minor child is the paramount consideration, and a Habeas Corpus writ petition is maintainable only when the child’s detention is proven illegal or without legal authority

It is necessary for the Appellate Court which is confronted with the absence of the convict as well as his Counsel, to immediately proceed against the persons who stood surety at the time when the convict was granted bail, as this may lead to his discovery and production in Court – So far as the present Appeal is concerned, since a request for remand had been made which Court stoutly reject, and since the convict was not represented through Counsel before the High Court, Court think it proper to permit the Appellant an opportunity to argue the Appeal on its merits.

  (2013) 10 AD 565 : (2013) 4 RCR(Criminal) 880 : (2013) 12 SCALE 492 SUPREME COURT OF INDIA DIVISION BENCH SURYA BAKSH SINGH — Appellant Vs. STATE OF UTTAR…

The Tribunal came to the conclusion that the plastic piece parts continued to remain under Entry 15A(2) until the enactment of the Bill on 19th April, 1982, whereupon they became classifiable under Entry 68 – The Act does not take account of Exemption Notifications for they apply only when goods are exigible to duty but, thereby, the payment of duty or a part thereof is exempted – Appeal dismissed.

  (1997) 57 ECC 245 : (1996) 87 ELT 577 : (1997) 10 JT 368 : (1996) 7 SCALE 719 : (1997) 2 SCC 220 : (1996) 7 SCR 664…

Relief was granted to the petitioners on the basis of the judgment reported as State of U.P. v. Annapurna Biscuit Manufacturing Co. – There is no advertence to Annapurna Biscuit Manufacturing Co.’s case – That case, as said before stands pro tanto overruled.It could not have been the basis to grant relief to the respondents by the High Court – Appeal allowed.


it is well-settled that there must be a chain of circumstances and this solitary circumstance cannot be said to form a chain so as to fasten guilt upon the accused and on the basis of the same, irresistible conclusion, which is incompatible with the innocence of the accused cannot be drawn – Appeal allowed.

  (2004) 11 SCC 391 SUPREME COURT OF INDIA DIVISION BENCH C.T. PONNAPPA — Appellant Vs. STATE OF KARNATAKA — Respondent ( Before : H. K. Sema, J; B. N.…