Murder–Acquittal–The sufficiency of injury/ even by gunshot, to cause death must be proved and cannot be inferred from the fact that death has taken place.
(2016) 93 ACrC 493 : (2016) 97 ACrC 473 : (2016) 167 AIC 152 : (2016) 159 AIC 20 : (2016) 2 AICLR 219 : (2016) AIR(SCW) 447 : (2016)…
Eviction—Material Alteration—No adverse, inference to be drawn for non-appearance of landlord as witness to prove material alteration.
(2016) 158 AIC 237 : (2016) AIR(SCW) 262 : (2017) 1 AIRJharR 382 : (2016) AIR(SC) 262 : (2016) AllSCR 379 : (2016) 1 AllWC 965 : (2016) 114 ALR…
SARFAESI— Tenants of property which was given as security interest cannot be evicted except under Rent Control Acts.
(2016) ACD 370 : (2016) 159 AIC 113 : (2016) AIR(SCW) 530 : (2016) 1 AIRBomR(Cri) 545 : (2016) 2 AIRJharR 243 : (2016) 1 AirKarR 771 : (2016) AIR(SC)…
Remand of Case—When the first appellate court itself did not decide the appeal on merits and considered it proper to remand the case to the Trial Court, a fortiori, the High Court had no jurisdiction to decide the appeal on merits.
(2017) 176 AIC 214 : (2017) AIR(SCW) 2402 : (2017) AIR(SC) 2402 : (2017) AllSCR 1270 : (2017) 123 ALR 817 : (2017) 4 AndhLD 180 : (2017) 2 ApexCourtJudgments(SC)…
Service Law–Gratuity-Banks directed to pay an amount an amount of Rs. 2, 00, 000/- (Rupees Two Lakhs) in full and final settlement of all their claims including the expenses which they have incurred for litigation for more than two decades.
(2017) 2 CLR 985 : (2017) 153 FLR 999 : (2017) 3 HLT 223 : (2017) 2 LawHerald(SC) 1116 : (2017) 3 LLJ 178 : (2017) 4 LW 782 : (2017) 6 SCALE 142…
Redemption of Mortgage— Whether Mortgage was by way of Conditional Sale-Test to be satisfied discussed.
(2017) 176 AIC 187 : (2017) AIR(SCW) 2141 : (2017) 3 AirKarR 24 : (2017) AIR(SC) 2141 : (2017) 123 ALR 839 : (2017) 4 AndhLD 111 : (2017) 2…
Service Law—Cooperative Court established does not have the requisite jurisdiction to decide ‘service dispute’between a cooperative society and its employees.
(2017) AIR(SCW) 1647 : (2017) AIR(SC) 1647 : (2017) 3 ALLMR 422 : (2017) 3 BCR 70 : (2017) 2 CLR 641 : (2017) 154 FLR 740 : (2017) 3…
But the presence of ‘B’ who was brother-in-law of’S’ and belonged to a separate village was doubtful there for it cannot be ruled out that his name was added due to enmity-Accused ‘B’ acquitted.
(2017) 100 ACrC 908 : (2017) 176 AIC 260 : (2017) 3 AICLR 321 : (2017) AIR(SCW) 2498 : (2017) AIR(SC) 2498 : (2017) AllSCR(Crl) 904 : (2017) 2 ALT(Crl)…
Land Acquisition— Exemption from Acquisition— When the land was so to be excluded from acquisition on the basis of exception mentioned in the notification under Section 4, it had to be claimed; it would not follow automatically.
(2017) 175 AIC 198 : (2017) 123 ALR 291 : (2017) 124 CutLT 444 : (2017) 2 LawHerald(SC) 1094 : (2017) 4 LW 130 : (2017) 4 PLR 269 : (2017) 3 RCR(Civil) 1…
Land Acquisition Act, 1894, S.4 & 6–Public Purpose—In zonal development plan the area in question had been shown for the institutional purposes-Therefore, mere fact that the acquisition for the purpose of school was not mentioned in the notification issued under S.4 of the act would not amount to vague notification
(2017) 175 AIC 65 : (2017) AIR(SCW) 2606 : (2017) AIR(SC) 2606 : (2017) AllSCR 1670 : (2017) 124 ALR 545 : (2017) DNJ 568 : (2017) 6 JT 61…