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Suit for Partition of jointly owned Property — Liability to render accounts — The court held that the defendant Nos. 3(a) and defendant Nos. 15 to 19 are liable to render accounts and contribute rent as assessed by the Trial Court during the course of passing the final decree for the portions in their respective possession The court clarified that being in self-occupation of a property does not absolve a co-sharer from rendering accounts — The defendant No. 3(a) who purchased the property from defendant No. 3 after it had already been vacated by a tenant, was held liable to contribute rent as determined by the Trial Court. Business carried out in the property — The court held that defendant Nos. 15 to 19, who admitted to carrying on their own business in the portion of the property in their possession, are liable to render accounts and contribute rent as determined by the Trial Court. NEET Examination — Supreme Court ruled that a fresh NEET (UG) 2024 examination is not necessary, and the results of the examination should be declared as valid, subject to certain modifications — The Court found no systemic breach in the sanctity of the examination and no conclusive material to lead to the conclusion that the entire result stands vitiated or that there was a systemic leak of the question paper — The Court allowed students with individual grievances to pursue their rights and remedies in accordance with law, including by moving the jurisdictional High Courts under Article 226 of the Constitution — The Court also constituted a seven-member Expert Committee to strengthen the process of conducting NEET (UG) and other examinations and prevent similar instances in the future. Genetically Modified Organisms — Regulation and approval of genetically modified organisms — Environmental release of transgenic mustard hybrid DMH-11 — The Supreme Court has quashed the approval of the environmental release of transgenic mustard hybrid DMH-11, developed by the Centre for Genetic Manipulation of Crop Plants (CGMCP) at the University of Delhi — The court found that the decision-making process was arbitrary and violated the precautionary principle — The court directed the government to take a fresh decision on the release of the transgenic mustard hybrid, considering the recommendations of the Technical Expert Committee (TEC) and the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Agriculture — The court also directed the government to formulate a National Policy on GM crops, involving all stakeholders, and to ensure transparency and public participation in the decision-making process — The court emphasized the importance of protecting the environment, biodiversity, and the health of citizens in the context of genetically modified organisms. Service Law — Termination — The Supreme Court upheld the termination of a CRPF constable’s services for concealing information about pending criminal cases against him in his verification roll — The court held that the CRPF constable had deliberately withheld material information from the CRPF while filling up the verification roll, despite being aware of the FIR registered against him and the ensuing criminal cases — The court noted that the standard of rectitude to be applied to any person seeking appointment in a law enforcement agency must always be higher and more rigorous — The court also held that the CRPF had exercised its discretion as an employer in a reasonable manner and the decision to terminate the services of the constable was justified. Service Law — Promotion — Completion of the required service period for promotion does not automatically entitle an employee to be promoted from the date the position became vacant — The right to be considered for promotion is a fundamental right, but it does not translate into a vested right for promotion unless the rules explicitly provide for it. Seniority cannot be reckoned from the date of occurrence of the vacancy and cannot be given retrospectively unless it is expressly provided by the relevant service rules – that promotion to a higher position should only be granted from the date of promotion and not from the date on which a vacancy may have arisen — The court reiterated that no retrospective promotion can be granted unless it is so expressly provided by the relevant service rules.

Suit for Partition of jointly owned Property — Liability to render accounts — The court held that the defendant Nos. 3(a) and defendant Nos. 15 to 19 are liable to render accounts and contribute rent as assessed by the Trial Court during the course of passing the final decree for the portions in their respective possession The court clarified that being in self-occupation of a property does not absolve a co-sharer from rendering accounts — The defendant No. 3(a) who purchased the property from defendant No. 3 after it had already been vacated by a tenant, was held liable to contribute rent as determined by the Trial Court. Business carried out in the property — The court held that defendant Nos. 15 to 19, who admitted to carrying on their own business in the portion of the property in their possession, are liable to render accounts and contribute rent as determined by the Trial Court.

NEET Examination — Supreme Court ruled that a fresh NEET (UG) 2024 examination is not necessary, and the results of the examination should be declared as valid, subject to certain modifications — The Court found no systemic breach in the sanctity of the examination and no conclusive material to lead to the conclusion that the entire result stands vitiated or that there was a systemic leak of the question paper — The Court allowed students with individual grievances to pursue their rights and remedies in accordance with law, including by moving the jurisdictional High Courts under Article 226 of the Constitution — The Court also constituted a seven-member Expert Committee to strengthen the process of conducting NEET (UG) and other examinations and prevent similar instances in the future.

Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012, S.19(l)- Information about offence—As per S.19(l) a person who had an apprehension that an offence under the said Act is likely to be committed or has knowledge that such an offence had been committed would be required to provide such information to the relevant authorities

2018(3) Law Herald (SCOI) 1981 : 2018 LawHerald.Org 1414 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA Before Hon’ble Mr. Justice A.K. Sikri Hon’ble Mr. Justice Ashok Bhushan Criminal Appeal No(S). 961…

Practice & Procedure—Noting in official Government file—It does not create any legal right. Land Acquisition—Release of Land—Once the possession of the acquired land was with the State, the land stood vested in the State disentitling the State to release the land—Thereafter, Revenue Minister had no power to invoke the provisions of Section 48 of the Act for release of the land

2018(3} Law Herald (SC) 1987 : 2018 LawHerald.Org 1416 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA Before                      Hon’ble Mr. Justice Abhay Manohar Sapre Hon’ble Mr. Justice Uday Umesh Lalit Civil…

Consumer—Written Statement—Period of filing within 45 days and not beyond that—Judgment of J,J. Merchant and New India Assurance case distinguished and period held to be directory– Arbitration—Objections—Prior Notice—Provision of 5.34(5) of the Act held to be directory/ and not mandatory

2038(3) Law Herald (SC) 1965 : 2018 LawHerald.Org 1411 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA Before Hon’ble Mr. Justice R. F. Nariman Hon’ble Mr. Justice Indu Malhotra Civil Appeal No.…

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