Category: I P C

Common intention is evident from the accused persons coming to the lands of PW1 armed and intimidating him to return the lands followed by assault upon him and those who came to his rescue HELD Number and nature of hard blunt injuries on the two deceased make it apparent that the assailants were more than one

SUPREME COURT OF INDIA DIVISION BENCH ASHARAM TIWARI — Appellant Vs. STATE OF MADHYA PRADESH — Respondent ( Before : R.F. Nariman and Navin Sinha, JJ. ) Criminal Appeal No…….of…

(IPC) – Sections 148 and 307 – ideal that independent witnesses come forward to substantiate the prosecution case but it would be unfair to expect the presence of third parties in every case at the time of incident, for most violent crimes are seldom anticipated. Any adverse inference against the non – examination of independent witnesses thus needs to be assessed upon the facts and circumstances of each case

SUPREME COURT OF INDIA FULL BENCH ROHTAS AND ANOTHER — Appellant Vs. STATE OF HARYANA — Respondent ( Before : N.V. Ramana, Surya Kant and Aniruddha Bose, JJ. ) Criminal…