Month: July 2018

Punjab Limitation (Custom) Act—Commencement of Limitation period–The date on which the decree is drawn would be the relevant date for commencement of limitation period—Mere passing of the judgment by the Court is not enough Limitation—Exclusion of Time—The expanse of Section 14 of the Act, is not limited to mere jurisdictional issue but also other cause of a like nature.

2018(2) Law Herald (SC) 280 (2018) 4 JT 10 : (2018) 2 RCR(Civil) 745 : (2018) 5 SCALE 201 SUPREME COURT OF INDIA DIVISION BENCH MOHINDER SINGH (DEAD) — Appellant Vs. PARAMJIT SINGH —…

Rape—False promise to marry—Parties lived together like a married couple for long years—Sexual intercourse in the course of such a relationship cannot be termed as ‘rape’—Proceedings quashed

2018(2) Law Herald (SC) 303 : 2018 LawHerald.Org 883 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA           CRIMINAL APPELLATE JURISDICTION                                         CRIMINAL APPEAL NO.504   OF 2018                                    (Arising out of SLP(Crl.)…

Bar to Suit—Cause of Action—Relief of specific performance cannot be claimed along with relief of permanent injunction in same suit Withdrawal of suit—Bar to Suit—If the order granting permission to withdraw the suit does not specifically mention the fact of granting liberty to the plaintiff to file a fresh suit then filing of the second suit on different cause of action is not hit by O.2 R.2 CPC

(2018) 2 RCR(Civil) 782 : (2018) 5 SCALE 615 SUPREME COURT OF INDIA DIVISION BENCH SUCHA SINGH SODHI (D) — Appellant Vs. BALDEV RAJ WALIA — Respondent ( Before : R.K. Agrawal and Abhay Manohar Sapre,…