Month: December 2017

Insurance company contended that deceased was suffering from hypertension and same was known to him before talking policy but place no evidence in this regard opinion given by panel doctor and government doctor that the fall was on account of hypertension, seems to be quite a remote possibility—Award of compensation upheld.

(2017) 1 ConLT 83 : (2017) 2 CPJ 149 : (2017) 1 CPR 217 : (2017) 1 LawHerald(SC) 185 : (2017) NCJ 621 NATIONAL CONSUMER DISPUTES REDRESSAL COMMISSION UNITED INDIA INSURANCE CO. LTD. —…

Transfer of Property Act, 1882, S. 58(e)—Mortgage by conditional sale—Sale deed executed does not contain stipulation that it was condition sale—However, agreement executed on same day contained the stipulation that if loan amount is paid then seller can get its land back—Since agreement and sale deed were executed on same date so they have to be read together

(2017) 169 AIC 41 : (2017) 120 ALR 213 : (2017) 1 ApexCourtJudgments(SC) 252 : (2017) 1 ARC 15 : (2017) 1 BBCJ 214 : (2017) 1 CalLJ 101 :…

Preventive detention-It is clear that each ‘basic fact’ would constitute a ground and particulars in support thereof or the details would be subsidiary facts or further particulars of the basic facts which will be integral part of the ‘grounds’ – There is an infringement of Article 22(5) of the Constitution

(2017) 99 ACrC 325 : (2017) 171 AIC 143 : (2017) AIR(SCW) 230 : (2017) 1 AIRBomR(Cri) 519 : (2017) AIR(SC) 230 : (2017) 1 AllCrlRulings 833 : (2017) AllSCR(Crl)…

Testamentary suit–An appeal under Section 384 of Succession Act is a regular appeal and all questions are open to urge before appellate Court. Appeal–In an appeal from a decision of Single Judge of High Court in First appeal, a Division Bench has power to consider all questions whether of facts or of law, which could be raised before a Single Judge-

2008(1) LAW HERALD (SC) 463 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA Before The Hon’ble Mr. Justice C.K. Thakker The Hon’ble Mr. Justice Altamas Kabir Appeal (civil) 398 of 2008 Gaudiya…

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Temple Bye Laws — Oachira Parabrahma Temple — Ancient structure without a building or deity, governed by Bye-laws with three-tier elected committees — Appellants, elected Secretary and President, challenged two High Court orders (2020 and 2023) that removed their committee and appointed an unelected one under an Administrative Head, citing violations of the temple’s Bye-laws and customs —Legality of appointing an unelected committee and removing the elected one contrary to the temple’s Bye-laws — Petitioner argues that the High Court overstepped its jurisdiction and violated the temple’s governance structure by appointing an unelected committee and removing the elected one without proper legal basis — The High Court’s actions were necessary for the efficient administration of the temple until a scheme could be framed and new elections held — The Supreme Court modified the High Court orders, appointing a new retired Judge as Administrative Head to conduct fair elections within four months, while directing all parties to cooperate — The Court emphasized the need to preserve temple properties and governance as per established customs and laws — The Supreme Court struck down the High Court’s order appointing an unelected committee, appointed a new Administrative Head to conduct elections, and directed all parties to cooperate, emphasizing the importance of adhering to the temple’s established governance structure and Bye-laws.