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Limitation in consumer protection cases should be interpreted holistically, considering the continuing cause of action and prioritizing substantive rights over strict procedural time bars. A suit in representative capacity (Order 1, Rule 8 CPC) is not maintainable if lacking locus standi, and a prior decree (res judicata) bars subsequent suits on the same subject matter, notwithstanding varying reliefs. Agreement to sell immovable property incurs stamp duty as deemed conveyance via implied/symbolic possession transfer, with duty applying to the agreement (instrument), not the sale (transaction). The Supreme Court emphasized that the goal is to ensure just and fair compensation, even if it exceeds the claimed amount. It recalculated the compensation, considering the claimant’s monthly income, future prospects, 40% permanent disability, medical expenses, attendant charges, special diet and transportation, pain and suffering, and loss of income during treatment. The final compensation was determined to be Rs. 17,82,825, modifying the awards of the MACT and High Court. The Civil Appeal was allowed, with interest as awarded by the Tribunal. This decision underscores the principle of providing fair compensation to accident victims based on comprehensive assessment of their losses and suffering. In child custody cases, the lawpoint is that the welfare of the minor child is the paramount consideration, and a Habeas Corpus writ petition is maintainable only when the child’s detention is proven illegal or without legal authority
Service Matters

Process of selection – The appellants have challenged before the court the alleged arbitrary decision of the Government in conducting a special recruitment test against the Rules and Guidelines issued for the recruitment of Computer Instructors and also by altering the minimum qualifying marks from 50% to 35% so as to absorb a larger number of candidates of its choice

(2009) 9 JT 70 : (2009) 9 SCALE 319 : (2009) 14 SCC 517 SUPREME COURT OF INDIA T. NADU COMPUTER SC B.ED. G.T. WELF. SOCIETY — Appellant Vs. HIGHER…

The negligence of the first respondent and the liability of the second respondent as the insurer are beyond dispute at the present juncture. The only arena is to figure out what should be the correct compensation awardable to the claimants – The Tribunal had awarded interest at the rate of 6% per annum from the date of the award but the High Court chose to curb it to 3% per annum.

(1999) ACJ 1299 : (1998) 9 JT 191 : (1998) 8 SCC 421 SUPREME COURT OF INDIA DR K.R. TANDON (MRS) — Appellant Vs. OM PRAKASH AND ANOTHER — Respondent…

Award of compensation – Appeal has been filed on behalf of the Karnataka State-Road Transport Corporation challenging the validity of the award given by the Motor Accidents Claims Tribunal-V, Bangalore City in a motor accident case which has been affirmed by the High Court – The respondent filed a cross-objection and sought enhancement of the amount of compensation including the rate of interest.


Service Matters

Employer has sacrosanct duty to act in terms of sacred objectives of social and economic justice – Respondents have not been absorbed by JHALCO despite JHALCO having absorbed more than 300 employees of BHALCO – Both States directed to make payments within stipulated time – Both States shall compute salary component after granting benefit of pay revision which has been extended to other employees

  (2014) 3 AD 279 : (2013) 15 JT 218 : (2013) 14 SCALE 133 : (2014) 2 SCC 114 : (2014) 1 SCC(L&S) 321 : (2014) 1 SCJ 420…