Category: Land Acquisition

Land Acquisition Act, 1894 – Sections 23 and 24 – Acquisition of land in excess of ceiling – Determination of compensation – Land in excess of ceiling exempted by the Government – Land not vesting in Government – Acquisition under the Act, permissible – Land owner is entitled to compensation under the Act as acquisition is not under Land Ceiling Act.

  AIR 1996 SC 3142 : (1996) 3 JT 629 : (1996) 3 SCALE 140 : (1996) 3 SCC 282 : (1996) 3 SCR 772 SUPREME COURT OF INDIA GOVERNMENT…

Land Acquisition Act, 1894 – Section 23 – Acquisition of land – Market value, determination of – Small plots – Acquisition of large area – Rates at which small plots sold cannot be a safe criteria. Where large area is the subject matter of acquisition, rate at which small plots are sold cannot be said to be a safe criteria.

  SUPREME COURT OF INDIA LAND ACQUISITION OFFICER — Appellant Vs. NOOKALA RAJAMALLU AND OTHERS — Respondent ( Before : Doraiswamy Raju, J; Arijit Pasayat, J ) Civil Appeal No’s.…

Constitution of India, 1950 – Article – 226 – Land Acquisition Act, 1894 – Section – 4(1), 5-A – Notification – A notification under Section 4(1) of the Land Acquisition Act was published – There was no justification to dispense with the enquiry under Section 5-A and public purpose would have been served by allowing the claimants to submit their objections

  (1996) 81 CLT 161 : (1995) 6 JT 624 : (1995) 5 SCALE 188 : (1995) 5 SCC 583 : (1995) 3 SCR 139 Supp : (1995) 2 UJ…

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