Category: I P C

Abetment of Suicide—Eve Teasing—Tarnishing of self respect of victim–If the accused by his acts and by his continuous course of conduct creates a situation which leads the deceased perceiving no other option except to commit suicide, the case may fall within the four-corners of Section 306 IPC

2019(3) Law Herald (SC) 1745 : 2019 LawHerald.Org 1216 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA Before Hon’ble Mr. Justice Abhay Manohar Sapre Hon’ble Mr. Justice Dinesh Maheshwari Criminal Appeal No.…

The Supreme Court today held that when the case of the prosecution is on the basis that the role of accused is that of conspirators but there is a failure to prove the charge of conspiracy, the appellants could not be convicted for the offence under Section 302 IPC. Such conviction will have caused not only prejudice but also a failure of justice.

Is omission to frame charge for offence under Section 302 IPC a curable irregularity? SC answers Murali Krishnan August 22 2019 The Supreme Court today held that when the case of the prosecution is on…

“Where the promise to marry is false and the intention of the maker at the time of making the promise itself was not to abide by it but to deceive the woman to convince her to engage in sexual relations, there is a “misconception of fact” that vitiates the woman’s “consent”, U/ s 375 IPC. On the other hand, a breach of a promise cannot be said to be a false promise.

When would sexual relations induced on a broken promise of marriage amount to Rape?  To establish a false promise, the maker of the promise should have had no intention of upholding his word at the…

Weakness in defence cannot become strength of prosecution, “An accused is not required to establish or prove his defence beyond all reasonable doubt, unlike the prosecution. If the accused takes a defence, which is not improbable and appears likely, there is material in support of such defence, the accused is not required to prove anything further. ” Supreme Court

Weakness in defence cannot become strength of prosecution,  “An accused is not required to establish or prove his defence beyond all reasonable doubt, unlike the prosecution. If the accused takes a defence, which…

Dowry Death—Causing disappearance of Evidence—Acquittal—Appellants were acquitted u/ s 304-B IPC but were convicted u/s 201 IPC-Conviction u/s 201IPC could not be made merely on an assumption that the cremation of the body of deceased was not possible without the active connivance of the Appellants—Appellants held entitled to benefit of doubt-­ Appellants acquitted under 201 IPC also.

2019(2) Law Herald (SC) 1742 : 2019 LawHerald.Org 1021 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA Before Hon*ble Mr. Justice L. Nageswara Rao Hon’ble Mr. Justice M.R. Shah Criminal Appeal No.…

Indian Penal Code, 1860, S.304 Part-II–Culpable Homicide not amounting to Murder-Essential Ingredients-In order to bring the case within Exception 4 to Section 300 IPC, the following conditions enumerated therein must be satisfied: (i) The act must be committed without premeditation in a sudden fight in the heat of passion; (ii) upon a sudden quarrel; (iii) without the offender’s having taken undue advantage; and (iv) the accused had not acted in a cruel or unusual manner.

2019(2) Law Herald (SC) 1487 : 2019 LawHerald.Org 948 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA Before Hontde Mrs. Justice R. Banumathi Honble Mr. Justice R. Subhash Reddy Criminal Appeal No.…