Category: I P C

(IPC) – Sections 300 Exception 4 – Culpable homicide is not murder – Four requirements must be satisfied to invoke this exception, viz. (i) it was a sudden fight; (ii) there was no premeditation; (iii) the act was done in a heat of passion; and (iv) the assailant had not taken any undue advantage or acted in a cruel or unusual manner – Appellant was entitled to the benefit of Exception 4 to section 300, IPC.

SUPREME COURT OF INDIA DIVISION BENCH PREMCHAND — Appellant Vs. THE STATE OF MAHARASHTRA — Respondent ( Before : S. Ravindra Bhat and Dipankar Datta, JJ. ) Criminal Appeal No.…

Penal Code, 1860 – S 302 – Evidence Act, 1872 – Section 106 – Murder of her five-year-old child – If the accused does not offer an explanation under Section 106 and there is corroborative evidence establishing a chain of circumstances leading to the conclusion of guilt, the accused could be convicted on that basis

SUPREME COURT OF INDIA DIVISION BENCH VAHITHA — Appellant Vs. STATE OF TAMIL NADU — Respondent ( Before : Dinesh Maheshwari and Bela M. Trivedi, JJ. ) Criminal Appeal No.…

Last seen theory – may be a weak kind of evidence by itself to base conviction – But if If the accused offers no explanation or furnishes a wrong explanation, absconds, motive is established and some other corroborative evidence in the form of recovery of weapon etc. forming a chain of circumstances is established, the conviction could be based on such evidence

SUPREME COURT OF INDIA DIVISION BENCH RAM GOPAL S/O MANSHARAM — Appellant Vs. STATE OF MADHYA PRADESH — Respondent ( Before : Ajay Rastogi and Bela M. Trivedi, JJ. )…

Merely because the wife was suffering from the disease AIDS and/or divorce petition was pending, it cannot be said that the allegations of demand of dowry were highly/inherently improbable and the said proceedings can be said to be bogus proceedings — High Court while quashing the criminal proceedings has seriously erred

SUPREME COURT OF INDIA Before: M.R. Shah & C.T. Ravikumar, JJ. Criminal Appeal No. 25 of 2023 (@ Special Leave Petition (Crl.) No.9899 of 2019) Decided on: 04.01.2023 Sunita Kumari…

(IPC) – Ss 302, 211 & 84 – Evidence Act, 1872 – S 105 – the manner of commission, with strangulation of the children one by one; throwing of their dead bodies into the canal; appellant himself swimming in the canal and coming out; and immediately thereafter, stating before several persons that the children had accidentally slipped into the canal – neither Section 84 IPC applies to the present case nor Section 329 CrPC would come to the rescue of the appellant – Conviction and sentence upheld.

SUPREME COURT OF INDIA DIVISION BENCH PREM SINGH — Appellant Vs. STATE OF NCT OF DELHI — Respondent ( Before : Dinesh Maheshwari and Sudhanshu Dhulia, JJ. ) Criminal Appeal…

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