Category: Constitution

Maharashtra Control of Organised Crime Act, 1999 – Section 2(1)(e) – Organised crime – Actual use of violence is not always a sine qua non for an activity falling within the mischief of organised crime, when undertaken by an individual singly or jointly as part of organised crime syndicate or on behalf of such syndicate

SUPREME COURT OF INDIA DIVISON BENCH ABHISHEK — Appellant Vs. STATE OF MAHARASHTRA AND OTHERS — Respondent ( Before : Dinesh Maheshwari and Aniruddha Bose, JJ. ) Criminal Appeal No.…

Mandate of Section 207 of CrPC cannot be read as a provision etched in stone to cause serious violation of the rights of the accused as well as to the principles of natural justice – It must be emphasized that prosecution by the State ought to be carried out in a manner consistent with the right to fair trial, as enshrined under Article 21 of the Constitution.

SUPREME COURT OF INDIA FULL BENCH S.P. VELUMANI — Appellant Vs. ARAPPOR IYAKKAM AND OTHERS — Respondent ( Before : N.V. Ramana, CJI, Krishna Murari and Hima Kohli, JJ. )…