Category: C P C

Civil Procedure Code, 1908, O.41 R.31— Appeal from original decree-­Speaking Order—Held; Judgment of the appellate court has to state the reasons for the decision—It is necessary to make it clear that the approach of the first appellate court while affirming the judgment of the trial Court and reversing the same is founded on different parameters

(2017) 177 AIC 26 : (2017) AIR(SCW) 3591 : (2017) AIR(SC) 3591 : (2017) AllSCR 1828 : (2017) 124 ALR 585 : (2017) 3 ARC 8 : (2017) 3 CGLJ…

Civil Procedure Code, 1908, S.4(1)–Special or Local Law-Applicability of CPC– Held; whenever there is a special, local, or other law which deals with any matter specified in the Code, those laws will continue to have full force and effect notwithstanding that they deal with the same matter as is contained in the Code of Civil Procedure

(2016) 161 AIC 157 : (2016) AIR(SCW) 1213 : (2016) AIR(SC) 1213 : (2016) AllSCR 1820 : (2016) 1 BBCJ 516 : (2016) 3 CalHCN 126 : (2016) 3 CalHCN…