THREE GOLDEN PRINCIPLE FOR INJUNCTION GRANT : (plaintiff) was able to make out all the three necessary ingredients for grant of permanent injunction with the aid of evidence, namely, the prima facie case, the balance of convenience and the irreparable loss and injury, if the injunction is not granted to him. Since the respondent held a Patta of the suit land, there was a prima facie case in his favour. Secondly, he was also held to be in possession of the suit land and hence the other two ingredients, namely, the balance of convenience and irreparable loss and injury, were also in his favour.
(2017) 179 AIC 116 : (2017) AIR(SCW) 5094 : (2017) AIR(SC) 5094 : (2017) 125 ALR 468 : (2018) 1 ALT 51 : (2017) 6 AndhLD 59 : (2017) 3…