Category: Bail Granted

Criminal Procedure Code, 1973, S.439–Rape–Kidnapping–Bail–Charge sheet was filed against appellant and four other persons-Case against appellant is almost similar to that of o the r co-accused who have been enlarged on bail—Appellant has no other criminal antecedents-Bail granted-Indian Penal Code, 1860, S.376 & S.366.

(2017) 100 ACrC 979 : (2017) 177 AIC 68 : (2017) 2 AICLR 803 : (2017) AIR(SCW) 2474 : (2017) AIR(SC) 2474 : (2017) ALLMR(Cri) 2220 : (2017) CriLR 457…

Bail—Economic Offence—Latest status report of further investigation does not indicate specific issues presently being pursued to impellingly justify detention—Bail granted. Bail—Grant of—Seriousness of the charge, is not the only test or the factor to grant or deny such privilege; is regulated to a large extent by the facts and circumstances of each particular case.

2017(1) Law Herald (SC) 285 : 2017 LawHerald.Org 581 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA Before The Hon’ble Mr. Justice Arun Mishra The Hon’ble Mi. Justice Amitava Roy Criminal Appeal…

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“Husband Has No Right On Wife’s Stridhan” Matrimonial Law – The appeal concerns a matrimonial dispute involving misappropriation of gold jewellery and monetary gifts – The appellant, a widow, married the first respondent, a divorcee, and alleged misappropriation of her jewelry and money by the respondents – The core issue is whether the appellant established the misappropriation of her gold jewellery by the respondents and if the High Court erred in its judgment – The appellant claimed that her jewellery was taken under the pretext of safekeeping on her wedding night and misappropriated by the respondents to settle their financial liabilities – The respondents denied the allegations, stating no dowry was demanded and that the appellant had custody of her jewellery, which she took to her paternal home six days after the marriage – The Supreme Court set aside the High Court’s judgment, upheld the Family Court’s decree, and awarded the appellant Rs. 25,00,000 as compensation for her misappropriated stridhan – The Court found the High Court’s approach legally unsustainable, criticizing it for demanding a criminal standard of proof and basing findings on assumptions not supported by evidence – The Court emphasized the civil standard of proof as the balance of probabilities and noted that the appellant’s claim for return of stridhan does not require proof of acquisition – The Supreme Court concluded that the appellant had established a more probable case and directed the first respondent to pay the compensation within six months, with a 6% interest per annum in case of default.