Month: August 2018

Service Matters

Service Law—Appointment—Primacy of Consultation—Where a Selection Committee has been constituted, the consultation with other department is only a process of discussion which has to be taken into consideration while making recommendation by the Selection Committee—It cannot be said to have a primacy.

(2017) AIR(SCW) 5599 : (2017) AIR(SC) 5599 : (2018) 1 ApexCourtJudgments(SC) 259 : (2017) 4 ESC 804 : (2018) 1 JCR 294 : (2017) 11 JT 429 : (2017) 4LawHerald(SC) 3193 : (2018)…

Service Matters

Service Law—Selection-Minimum marks in viva-voce—Whether the introduction of the requirement of the minimum marks for interview, after the entire selection process (consisting of written examination and interview) was completed, would amount to changing the rules of the game after the game was played which is clearly impermissible—Matter referred to larger bench.

(2017) 4 ESC 818 : (2018) 1 JCR 306 : (2017) 4 LawHerald(SC) 3191 : (2017) 13 Scale 483 : (2018) 1 SCC 239 : (2018) 1 SCC(L&S) 23 : (2017) 4 SCT 792…

Agreement to Sell—Second Appeal—Plea relating to limitation and cancellation of agreement cannot be permitted to be raised, for the first time, in second appeal. Agreement to Sell—Agreement to sell in itself does not create any interest in the land nor does it amount to sale under Section 54 of the T.P. Act— It only enables the intending buyer to claim specific performance of such agreement on proving its terms—In other words, there lies a distinction between an agreement to sell, and sale.

(2018) 181 AIC 98 : (2018) AIR(SCW) 49 : (2018) AIR(SC) 49 : (2018) 126 ALR 469 : (2017) DNJ 1095 : (2017) 12 JT 38 : (2017) 4 LawHerald(SC) 3179 : (2018) 1…

Deceased was a lady aged 42 years and was working as agricultural labourer-­ Tribunal was wrong in taking income as Rs. 25/- per day and monthly income as Rs. 650/- -Deceased was taking care of her three children and was also maintaining her husband—Taking income from the agricultural labour work at Rs. 3000/- p.m. and Rs. 1,500/- per month for the household work the monthly income of the deceased assessed at Rs. 4,500/- p.m.

(2017) 4 ACC 707 : (2018) ACJ 538 : (2018) 181 AIC 27 : (2018) AIR(SCW) 204 : (2018) AIR(SC) 204 : (2017) 2 AnWR 674 : (2017) DNJ 1077…