Category: Service

Service Matters

Service Law—Seniority—Reservation-Exercise for determining ‘inadequacy of representation’, ‘backwardness’ and ‘overall efficiency’, is a must for exercise of power under Article 16(4A)—Mere fact that there is no proportionate representation in promotional posts for the population of SCs and STs is not by itself enough to grant consequential seniority to promotees

2017(1) Law Herald (SC) 471 : 2017 LawHerald.Org 605 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA Before The Hon’ble Mr. Justice Adarsh Kumar Goel The Hon’ble Mr. Justice Uday Umesh Laiit…

Service Matters

Service Law–Seniority–Classification on the basis those who cleared test in time and those who cleared late though with permission—Held; when the Rules did not provide for creation of two classes between the employees working on one cadre; such a classification is not justified.

2017(1) Law Herald (SC) 458 : 2017 LawHerald.Org 607 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA Before The Hon’ble Mr. Justice J. Chelameswar  The Hon’ble Mr. Justice Abhay Manohar Sapre Civil…

Service Matters

Promotion – The respondents-employees were appointed to the posts of L.D.C. in 1970-71 – The Departmental Promotion Committee constituted for the purpose of selection for promotion to the post of U.D.C. had considered the appellant’s claim and found him fit. It regularised his services and has given him the promotion as he was senior to the respondents

  (1997) 10 JT 700 : (1997) 3 SCALE 91 : (1997) 9 SCC 658 : (1997) SCC(L&S) 1098 : (1997) 2 SCR 628 SUPREME COURT OF INDIA PRAHALLAD BARAL…

Service Matters

Constitution of India, 1950 – Articles 12, 14 and 16 – Assam Industrial Development Corporation (A1DC) Voluntary Retirement Scheme, 1992, Clauses 3 to 8 – AIDC Limited (Employees) Service Rules, 1992 – Rule 18 – Voluntary retirement – Golden hand-shake voluntary retirement scheme – An open option made available to all employees subject to fulfilment of conditions prescribed under the scheme – Option once made not to be allowed to be withdrawn

  AIR 2000 SC 2769 : (2000) 87 FLR 190 : (2000) 10 JT 9 : (2000) 2 LLJ 1125 : (2000) 6 SCALE 198 : (2000) 7 SCC 390…

Service Matters

Validity of the charge memo – A charge memo imputing misconduct on his part was issued to respondent – The respondent filed O.A. in the Administrative Tribunal challenging the validity of the charge memo dated September 28, 1991. The Tribunal in the impugned order dated April 15, 1994 set aside the charge memo on the ground that the charges were vague

  (1996) 8 AD 728 : (1997) 75 FLR 2 : (1996) 10 JT 40 : (1997) 2 LLJ 1011 : (1996) 8 SCALE 14 : (1996) 11 SCC 498…