Category: Service

Service Matters

Appointment–Appellant was appointed as an X-ray Technician –He was compulsorily required to discharge the duties of administrative clerk as well–High Court not justified in not considering the administrative experience gained by the appellant as mentioned in his application form duly approved by the Medical Officer.

2008(1) LAW HERALD (SC) 685 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA Before The Hon’ble Mr. Jusitce Tarun Chatterjee The Hon’ble Mr. Jusitce P. Sathasivam Civil Appeal No. 4760 of 2007…

Service Matters

Service Law-Postal Delay-Delay in receipt of application by appointing authority-­Unexplained delay often days by portal department in dispatch of application sent by speed post-Application received one day after prescribed day—Direction issued that application of petitioner not to be rejected on ground of delay of one day in receipt of application.

  (2017) 2 LawHerald(SC) 1701 : (2017) 4 SCT 539 SUPREME COURT OF INDIA DIVISION BENCH ASHUTOSH AGNIHOTRI — Appellant Vs. HIGH COURT OF MADHYA PRADESH — Respondent ( Before : Madan B. Lokur…