Category: Service

Service Matters

Service Law—Superannuation—Parity-Assistant Public Prosecutors are not entitled to be treated at par with Public Prosecutors and other officers whose age of superannuation is specified at 60 years— The fact that the nature of duties and functions of Assistant Public Prosecutors and Public Prosecutors are similar, per se, cannot be the basis to claim parity with Public Prosecutors in respect of age of superannuation.

    (2018) 2 LawHerald(SC) 605 : (2018) 7 SCALE 516 SUPREME COURT OF INDIA FULL BENCH KERALA ASSISTANT PUBLIC PROSECUTORS ASSOCIATION — Appellant Vs. STATE OF KERALA — Respondent ( Before : Dipak Misra,…

Service Matters

Service Law—Joining Back—Deputation to Foreign Country-­Appellants while in service went on foreign service without taking requisite permission—When they came back and submitted joining report but were not issued joining orders—Since no departmental inquiry or action was taken for not taking permission; period spent in foreign country is to be treated as ‘unauthorised absence’

(2017) AIR(SCW) 5569 : (2017) AIR(SC) 5569 : (2017) AllSCR 2385 : (2018) 1 CLR 403 : (2018) 156 FLR 401 : (2017) 4 JLJR 384 : (2017) 10 JT…

Service Matters

Service Law–Appointment–Cancellation of—State Government cancelled the appointment of Law officers due to misconduct–During the pendency of appeal term of appointment expired by efflux of time so even on merits setting aside of orders would be of no help—However, order of termination due to misconduct modified to one under termination by pleasure along with payment of one month’s retainer in lieu of notice

(2017) AIR(SCW) 4425 : (2017) 3 AIRBomR(Cri) 802 : (2017) AIR(SC) 4425 : (2017) 6 BCR 416 : (2017) 3 ESC 603 : (2018) 156 FLR 275 : (2017) 4 LawHerald(SC) 2743: (2018)…