Category: Service

Service Matters

IMP::: In view of the decision of this Court in Sukhdev Singh Vs. Union of India & Ors. reported in (2013) 9 SCC 566, there cannot be any dispute on this aspect. This Court has settled the law that uncommunicated and adverse ACRs cannot be relied upon in the process. The competent authority is directed to ignore the uncommunicated adverse ACRs and take a fresh decision in accordance with law.

HEAD NOTE:::: Uncommunicated Adverse Annual Confidential Reports Can’t Be Relied Upon To Deny Promotion, Reiterates SC… In view of the decision of this Court in Sukhdev Singh Vs. Union of…

Service Matters

Service Law—Appointment—Primacy of Consultation—Where a Selection Committee has been constituted, the consultation with other department is only a process of discussion which has to be taken into consideration while making recommendation by the Selection Committee—It cannot be said to have a primacy.

(2017) AIR(SCW) 5599 : (2017) AIR(SC) 5599 : (2018) 1 ApexCourtJudgments(SC) 259 : (2017) 4 ESC 804 : (2018) 1 JCR 294 : (2017) 11 JT 429 : (2017) 4LawHerald(SC) 3193 : (2018)…

Service Matters

Service Law—Selection-Minimum marks in viva-voce—Whether the introduction of the requirement of the minimum marks for interview, after the entire selection process (consisting of written examination and interview) was completed, would amount to changing the rules of the game after the game was played which is clearly impermissible—Matter referred to larger bench.

(2017) 4 ESC 818 : (2018) 1 JCR 306 : (2017) 4 LawHerald(SC) 3191 : (2017) 13 Scale 483 : (2018) 1 SCC 239 : (2018) 1 SCC(L&S) 23 : (2017) 4 SCT 792…