Category: Service

Service Matters

Constitution of India, 1950, Art. 311–Delhi School Education Act, 1973, S. 8 &  12–Vires of–Unaided minority institution–Section 8(1), (3), (4) and (5) of the Act do not violate the right of the minorities to establish and administer their educational Institutions–However, Section 8(2) interferes with the said right of the minorities and is, therefore, inapplicable to private recognized aided/unaided minority educational institutions

2010(1) LAW HERALD (SC)  661 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA Before The Hon’ble Mr. Justice G.S. Singhvi The Hon’ble Mr. Justice Dr. B.S. Chauhan Civil Appeal No. 5508 of…

Service Matters

Constitution of India, 1950, Art.  16–Delhi Higher Judicial Service Rules, 1970, Rule 10–Appointment–District Judge in Delhi–In case the statutory rules prescribe a particular mode of selection, it has to be given strict adherence accordingly–In case, no procedure is prescribed by the rules and there is no other impediment in law, the competent authority while laying down the norms for selection may prescribe for the tests and further specify the minimum Bench Marks for written test as well as for viva-voce.                                               

2010(1) LAW HERALD (SC) 656 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA Before The Hon’ble Mr. Chief Justice K.G. Balakrishnan The Hon’ble Mr. Justice Deepak Verma The Hon’ble Mr. Justice Dr.…

Service Matters

Major penalty was imposed upon him–Appellant preferred appeal–Division Bench remitted the matter to the Single Judge to be heard afresh–No serious infirmity with the impugned judgment of the Division Bench–However, the appellant has been facing inquiry and Court proceedings for almost twenty five years and at this stage remitting the matter to the Single Judge would be very harsh–Supreme Court directed that instead of withholding of two increments, three increments be withheld which should meet the ends of justice.

2010(1) LAW HERALD (SC) 464 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA Before The Hon’ble Mr. Justice Dalveer Bhandari The Hon’ble Mr. Justice Asok Kumar Ganguly Civil Appeal Nos. 475-476 of…

Service Matters

Termination of services–Appellant’s services terminated “for giving wrong information and concealment of facts in attestation form at the time of initial recruitment –Being a Government Servant, appellant protected under Article 311–Belated decision to terminate appellant seven years later,unjustified and violative of Article 311

2010(1) LAW HERALD (SC) 219 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA Before The Hon’ble Mr. Justice R.V. Raveendran The Hon’ble Mr. Justice K.S. Radhakrishnan Civil Appeal No. 8317 of 2009…

Service Matters

General Clauses Act, S.10–ServiceLaw–Computation of time– Medical Certificate–Last Date of Submission–Appellant did not obtain the medical certificate on 14th April as being a gazetted holiday & the previous days were also holidays–His application should have been considered on merit.

2010(1) LAW HERALD (SC) 147 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA Before The Hon’ble Mr. Justice G.S. Singhvi The Hon’ble Mr. Justice Asok Kumar Ganguly Civil Appeal No. 8200 of…

Service Matters

Central Civil Services Rules, 1965, Rule 10, Sub-rule 6 and 7–Suspension–Delay in reviewing suspension order–suspension of the respondent not extended–Central Administrative Tribunal quashed the suspension order of the respondent as became invalid on the expiry of 90 days from the date of suspension–High Court affirmed the orders of the Tribunal–Appeal–Held, that after the operation of Sub-rule 6 of Rule 10, since the review not been conducted within 90 days from the date of suspension, it became invalid after 90 days as neither was there any review nor extension within the said period

2010(1) LAW HERALD (SC) 130 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA Before The Hon’ble Mr. Justice Altamas Kabir The Hon’ble Mr. Justice Markandey Katju Special Leave Petition (Civil) No. 6661…

Service Matters

Service Law–Backwages–Respondent was appointed as a Constable in PAC (Provincial Armed Constabulary)–He was convicted in a criminal case–Therefore, his services were terminated–Later , respondent acquitted from the charges of the Criminal case–Respondent filed writ petition for his reinstatement which was allowed by Single Judge–Respondent accepted that he would not be entitled for back wages–Fact that the respondent would not be entitled to back ages accepted by the respondent–Appeal deserves to be disposed of with clarification that the respondent would not be entitled to back wages–Appellants not been directed by the Single Judge or by the Division Bench to pay back wages to the respondent–Clarified that the respondents would not be entitled to back wages at all

2010(1) LAW HERALD (SC)  124 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA Before The Hon’ble Mr. Justice J.M. Panchal The Hon’ble Dr. Justice Mukundakam Sharma Civil Appeal No. 2816 of 2007…