Category: I P C

Culpable Homicide—Acquittal—Navjot Singh Sidhu case—Accused gave a single fist blow on head of deceased in a road rage which proved fatal—Cause of death was bleeding/hemorrhage in brain—Medical evidence did not support the allegation that brain injury was due to head injury inflicted by accused—Accused acquitted u/s 304 Part I and convicted u/s 323 IPC.

  (2018) AIR(SC) 2395 : (2018) 5 JT 182 : (2018) 2 LawHerald(SC) 562 : (2018) 7 SCALE 402 SUPREME COURT OF INDIA DIVISION BENCH RUPINDER SINGH SANDHU — Appellant Vs. STATE OF PUNJAB…

Rape—False promise to marry—Parties lived together like a married couple for long years—Sexual intercourse in the course of such a relationship cannot be termed as ‘rape’—Proceedings quashed

2018(2) Law Herald (SC) 303 : 2018 LawHerald.Org 883 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA           CRIMINAL APPELLATE JURISDICTION                                         CRIMINAL APPEAL NO.504   OF 2018                                    (Arising out of SLP(Crl.)…

Indian Penal Code, 1860, S.304 Part II–Culpable Homicide—As per post mortem report injuries were not sufficient in ordinary cause to cause death and deceased had survived 14 days from the date of incident—Order of High Court in acquitting three accused and conviction of other two accused persons u/s 304-Part II, IPC upheld

(2018) 102 ACrC 309 : (2018) 181 AIC 159 : (2018) 1 AICLR 260 : (2017) AIR(SCW) 5048 : (2017) AIR(SC) 5048 : (2017) AllSCR(Crl) 1989 : (2017) 4 BomCR(Cri)…

Indian Penal Code, 1860, S.325—Grievous Hurt—Reduction in Sentence—High Court convicted the accused but reduced the sentence to already undergone as jail sentence and under trial keeping in view that offence is 30 years old and also the fact that injured was duly compensated—Order is justified and upheld

(2018) 1 AICLR 892 : (2018) AIR(SCW) 655 : (2018) AIR(SC) 655 : (2018) AllSCR(Crl) 193 : (2018) CriLR 144 : (2018) 1 JT 464 : (2018) 1 LawHerald(SC) 286 : (2018) 1 Scale…