Category: Constitution

[COVID-19] SC Issues Slew Of Directions To Implement Video Conferencing In All Courts Across The Country HELD “Every individual and institution is expected to cooperate in the implementation of measures designed to reduce the transmission of the virus. The scaling down of conventional operations within the precincts of courts is a measure in that direction.”

[COVID-19] SC Issues Slew Of Directions To Implement Video Conferencing In All Courts Across The Country [Read Order] LIVELAW NEWS NETWORK 6 April 2020 5:10 PM “Every individual and institution…

COVID-19 pandemic – Distribution of surgical /n95 masks and also the sale and distribution of hand sanitizers and liquid soap and to make such items available to the public at large at reasonable prices – Helpline to be provided at the control rooms responding to complaints by persons who are not able to secure surgical/n95 masks and the hand sanitizers and liquid soaps at the prices fixed by the Government of India.


“Therefore, in that circumstance even if the other aspects are not adverted to, the very fact that the Analyst’s report being served not being proved and the sample being taken in an appropriate manner not being established, it would be sufficient to hold that the prosecution has not proved the guilt of the appellant beyond reasonable doubt and the conviction is not justified”

REPORTABLE IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA CRIMINAL APPELLATE JURISDICTION CRIMINAL APPEAL NO.1167 OF 2019 (Arising out of S.L.P. (Criminal) No.4314 of 2015) Vijendra .…Appellant(s) Versus State of Uttar Pradesh…

Measures for protection of health and welfare of the prisoners to restrict the transmission of COVID-19 – HELD Taking into consideration the possibility of outside transmission, this Court directs that the physical presence of all the undertrial prisoners before the Courts must be stopped forthwith and recourse to video conferencing must be taken for all purposes – Also, the transfer of prisoners from one prison to another for routine reasons must not be resorted except for decongestion to ensure social distancing and medical assistance to an ill prisoner

SUPREME COURT OF INDIA FULL BENCH IN RE: CONTAGION OF COVID 19 VIRUS IN PRISONS ( Before : Sharad Arvind Bobde, C.J.I, L. Nageswara Rao and Surya Kant, JJ. )…

Coronavirus: Consider bail for all undertrials facing up to 7 years in jail to decongest prisons, Supreme Court to states HELD “…the State/Union Territory could consider the release of prisoners who have been convicted or are undertrial for offences for which prescribed punishment is up to 7 years or less”,

  Coronavirus: Consider bail for all undertrials facing up to 7 years in jail to decongest prisons, Supreme Court to states “…the State/Union Territory could consider the release of prisoners…

Evidence Act, 1872 – Section 8 – Constitution of India, 1950 – Article 226 – Additional evidence – HELD any event subsequent to the passing of the said order cannot be a consideration for this Court to test the legality of the said order” may be generally correct but there can be exception if the above statement is treated as statement of law. In a writ petition under Article 226 subsequent events can be taken note of for varied purposes.

  SUPREME COURT OF INDIA DIVISION BENCH RAM CHANDRA PRASAD SINGH — Appellant Vs. SHARAD YADAV — Respondent ( Before : Ashok Bhushan And M.R. Shah, JJ. ) Civil Appeal…

Karnataka Extension of Consequential Seniority to Government Servants Promoted on the Basis of Reservations (to the Posts in the Civil Services of the State) Act 2018 – Constitutional validity HELD The present MAs are, in effect, a substantive challenge to the actions of the State government in implementing the Reservation Act 2018 through the GO dated 15 May 2019 and the circular dated 24 June 2019. If the applicants are aggrieved by the steps which have been taken by the State government, it is open to them to pursue a substantive remedy for challenging the steps taken by the State government in independent proceedings

  SUPREME COURT OF INDIA DIVISION BENCH B K PAVITHRA AND ORS. — Appellant Vs. UNION OF INDIA AND ORS. — Respondent ( Before : Uday Umesh Lalit and Dr.…