Category: Acquittal

Penal Code, 1860 (IPC) – Sections 302/34 and 201/34 – Murder – Common intention – Conviction – Conviction based solely on evidence of Approver – No material to show that appellant had any common intention to eliminate deceased who was a physically disabled – Only adverse thing against appellant is that he used to associate with accused for smoking Ganja – In absence of common intention convicting appellant with aid of Section 34 IPC cannot be sustained – Appeal allowed.

  (2012) 4 JCC 2745 : (2012) 9 JT 116 : (2012) 9 SCALE 245 : (2012) 9 SCC 249 SUPREME COURT OF INDIA SURESH SAKHARAM NANGARE — Appellant Vs.…

Evidence Act, 1872 — Section 32 — Two dying Declarations, one oral and one written, with several discrepancies cannot convict the accused — Oral dying declaration allegedly made by deceased before her father, uncle and grand — mother, in which names of accused mentioned. However second dying declaration recorded by Magistrate five days later stated that the victim could not recognize any accused because of fire

AIR 1999 SC 3062 : (1999) CriLJ 4070 : (1999) 2 DMC 439 : (1999) 6 JT 41 : (1999) 5 SCALE 31 : (2000) 1 SCC 310 : (1999)…