Land and Property Law–It may be true that absence of lawful entitlement by itself may not be sufficient to pass a judgment and decree in favour of the State and against the land grabber, but also it must be shown that he had taken illegal possession thereof. Only because a person has entered into possession of a land on the basis of a purported registered sale deed, the same by itself, would not be sufficient to come to the conclusion that he had not entered over the land unauthorisedly, unfairly, or greedily. Question of title—An abstract belief on the part of the vendee that its vendor had a marketable title and it was getting a good title to the land is not decisive.
2007(5) LAW HERALD (SC) 3766 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA Before The Hon’ble Mr. Justice S.B. Sinha The Hon’ble Mr. Justice Harjit Singh Bedi Civil Appeal No. 4755 of…